

Building a Digital Future: The Metaverse

Building a Digital Future: The Metaverse

Michaël Renotte - 3:58 pm, 25th November 2022

Organizations should consider cautiously investing in the Metaverse, or at the very least explore it in detail because their digital future may be molded by it, said Marty Resnick, VP Analyst at Gartner, on the occasion of Gartner IT Symposium/Xpo 2022, taking place in Barcelona last week.During his...


Deloitte induction: “Hello” from the Metaverse

Deloitte induction: “Hello” from the Metaverse

Deloitte - 10:54 am, 12th October 2022

On 11 October, Deloitte Luxembourg welcomed around 300 young professionals to the firm for a culminant kick-off to its induction program. The junior profiles from 28 different nationalities will be part of a distinctly Deloitte experience throughout October that includes fun team-building activi...


Gartner Outlines Six Trends Driving Near-Term Adoption of Metaverse Technologies

Gartner Outlines Six Trends Driving Near-Term Adoption of Metaverse Technologies

Gartner - 2:57 pm, 29th September 2022

Six trends are driving the use of metaverse technologies today and will continue to drive its use over the next three to five years, according to Gartner."While widescale adoption of metaverse technologies is more than 10 years away, there are practical ways organisations are harnessing them now, fo...


Where do we stand in 2022?

Where do we stand in 2022?

Deloitte - 9:00 am, 16th August 2022

While 2022 will see plenty of hype and financing around "the Metaverse", it is still unclear what it will ultimately look like or which technologies it will use. Still in its infancy, the concept of the Metaverse is so broad and potentially transformative that it is prone to oversimplification and s...


Virtual Rangers et The Dots lancent le Luxembourg Metaverse

Virtual Rangers et The Dots lancent le Luxembourg Metaverse

Techsense Team - 9:00 am, 30th June 2022

Au Luxembourg, le métavers se conjugue déjà au présent : Virtual Rangers et The Dots annoncent le lancement du Luxembourg Metaverse, un métavers sans portefeuille crypto, simple d’utilisation et d’accès via casque VR, PC ou téléphone.Depuis que Meta (Facebook) a mis le métavers en l...


Finverse Forum 2022: At the Convergence of the Metaverse and Crypto

Finverse Forum 2022: At the Convergence of the Metaverse and Crypto

Michaël Renotte - 11:08 am, 20th May 2022

The Finverse Forum organized on May 18 at the CELO multifunctional center by TechSense by The Dots, the all-channel platform fully dedicated to the Tech, Innovation and Digital community, brought together nearly 400 tech curious decision makers eager to exchange views, ideas and future projections o...


Phases of the Metaverse Evolution : What it Means for Tech Product Strategy

Phases of the Metaverse Evolution : What it Means for Tech Product Strategy

Smarter with Gartner - 9:45 am, 14th April 2022

The metaverse will evolve across three overlapping phases and won’t be fully mature before 2030, but tech product leaders must start to evaluate the opportunities now.The metaverse won’t be mature before 2030, but its potential to change how individuals and organizations interact with one anothe...


By 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour per day in the metaverse

By 2026, 25% of people will spend at least one hour per day in the metaverse

Techsense team - 2:22 pm, 7th February 2022

According to Gartner, the metaverse hype is poised to transition into new business models that extend digital business. The firm predicts that, within four years, one in four people will spend at least one hour a day in the metaverse for work, shopping, education, social or entertainment. “Ve...


5 Impactful Technologies for 2022

5 Impactful Technologies for 2022

Techsense team - 12:49 pm, 14th January 2022

Smart spaces, homomorphic encryption, generative AI, graph technologies and the metaverse will disrupt and transform entire markets.Wouldn’t it be helpful if a building could tell you when a filter in the HVAC system was causing the system to function inefficiently and needed changing? What if it ...


The Non-Coders Guide to Developing NFTs

The Non-Coders Guide to Developing NFTs

Techsense Team - 9:53 am, 25th December 2021

Blockchain is creating a buzz in the world these days, and non-fungible tokens or NFTs are coming up prominently in the smart contract domain. Decentralized financing or DeFi rose incrementally in 2020, despite the hindrances posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. But NFTs are surely getting a huge share o...


Carte blanche à Kamel Amroune : Qu'est-ce qu'un metaverse ?

Carte blanche à Kamel Amroune : Qu'est-ce qu'un metaverse ?

Techsense Team - 4:51 pm, 20th December 2021

Le changement de nom de Facebook en Meta et l'intention affichée par l'entreprise de s'étendre au-delà des médias sociaux en créant un metaverse ont généré un buzz mondial. Comme on pouvait s'y attendre, cette annonce a déclenché des discussions passionnées sur ce qu'est concrètement...


The Dots crée son metaverse avec ArtDesignStory

The Dots crée son metaverse avec ArtDesignStory

Techsense team - 3:35 pm, 8th December 2021

The Dots, en partenariat avec ArtDesignStory, lance la SPHERE FANartZONE de la communauté Tech, Innovation & Digital au Luxembourg. A l'heure où Facebook et Microsoft lancent leurs univers parallèles virtuels, la réalité virtuelle et la réalité augmentée n'ont jamais été aussi proches de ...



Virtual Rangers
Nomadic Labs

